Best WorldTrips Travel Insurance Review in 2024

Best WorldTrips Travel Insurance Review in 2024

Best WorldTrips Travel Insurance Review in 2024,There are upgrades for the Atlas Journey Premier plan that let you stop or interrupt your trip. You can also get extra covering for things like adventure sports, destination weddings, hunting and fishing gear, and more when you travel with your pets.

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There are also good perks for travel delays and missed connections with the Atlas Journey Premier plan, and the average cost is low compared to other plans.

The Atlas Journey Preferred plan is another choice, but it doesn’t come with the “interruption for any reason” update. Also, the trip medical benefits are only $100,000 per person. Still, it does everything it’s supposed to do and costs very little. It has a lot of options for extra service, just like the Premier plan.

About WorldTrips Travel Insurance Plans

WorldTrips gives trip protection plans and travel medical insurance for people traveling within the United States and abroad. It also sells travel insurance for people who travel a lot, students, and groups going on trips abroad.

The main types of trip insurance that come with WorldTrips Atlas Journey policies are: Trip cancellation insurance pays back non-refundable fees you made in advance that you lose if you have to cancel for a reason listed in the policy.

Trip interruption insurance: This type of insurance pays for a last-minute flight home and for costs you paid for ahead of time but didn’t use.
Travel medical insurance helps pay for medical bills like X-rays, lab work, medicine, and visits to the doctor or hospital if you get sick or hurt while you’re away.

Medical evacuation: Medical evacuation travel insurance pays for medevac transfer that is medically necessary. Coverage for travel delays: If your trip is delayed for a reason mentioned in the policy, travel delay insurance will pay for things like meals that you need after a certain amount of time.

Baggage insurance: This type of insurance can cover things like lost or broken bags, costs incurred because of a baggage delay, and more.

WorldTrips Atlas Journey Travel Insurance Plans

WorldTrips’ Atlas Journey travel insurance plans can be used for trips both inside and outside of the United States. Premier, Preferred, and Economy are the three types of trip insurance you can pick from. In other words, you can pick the level of service that works best for you.

Forbes Advisor’s list of the best travel insurance plans says that WorldTrips’ Atlas Journey Premier plan (pictured above) is its best. Out of all the Atlas Journey plans, this one has the best coverage. It’s something to think about if you’re going abroad and have already paid for a lot of things that you can’t get back.

One person can get $150,000 in medical coverage for trips with this plan. There are trip insurance plans that cover up to $500,000 in medical costs, but $150,000 might be enough for you.

The Atlas Journey Premier plan also includes $1 million in emergency evacuation insurance, which is one of the highest amounts that most travel insurance plans offer.

Also, the benefits for travel delays and trips that have to be cut short are good and in line with what many rivals offer. When you compare it to top competitors, the $2,000 missed connection bonus is a great deal.

The Atlas Journey Premier plan also lets you customize your coverage the most with extra benefits and upgrades that give you the most freedom for cancellation and interruption refunds.

Plan for WorldTrips Atlas Journey Preferred Travel Insurance
If you want a good travel insurance plan for a trip abroad and don’t care too much about high medical cost limits, the Atlas Journey Preferred plan might be a good choice. It gives you good coverage for trip perks before and after you leave.

Both the Premier plan and the Preferred plan cover cancellations, interruptions, and emergency evacuations. It covers a little less for things like being late, missing a link, and lost luggage. It also doesn’t cover as many travel care costs as the Premier plan, but at $100,000, it’s still a good deal. You can change the way your service works by adding a lot of different upgrades to a Preferred plan.

WorldTrips Atlas Journey Economy Plan for Travel Insurance
The Atlas Journey Economy plan is good for people who just want basic service, as the name suggests. Also, tourists who only want basic coverage for trip cancellation and trip interruption may find it to be a good choice.

The Economy plan’s benefit levels are less than those of the Premier and Preferred plans. Most importantly, it only covers up to $25,000 in medical costs for each person while traveling. That means it might not be the best idea if you’re going on a trip outside of the U.S. and your U.S. health plan doesn’t cover much or anything at all.

When you go on a trip within the United States, it can add to your personal health insurance plan. For the Economy plan, you can’t get cancellation and disruption upgrades, but for specialty coverage, you can get a lot of extra benefits.

Delays, Missed Connections, Inconvenience and Mileage Award Benefits

These are more specifics about the WorldTrips Atlas Journey travel insurance plans that were shown above.

Delay in Travel
If your trip is delayed for five hours or more because of a reason mentioned in your policy, this benefit helps pay for food, lodging, and transportation. It covers problems that happen before you leave, during your trip, and on your way back home.

Journey plans that cover travel delays will also pay for one free movie rental while you’re at a hotel and for internet fees at the airport while you wait.

Lost the Connection
This benefit pays for the extra transportation costs to get you back on time if you are three hours or more late for your cruise, tour, or flight because of a reason covered by your insurance. It also pays for pre-paid, non-refundable parts of your trip that you don’t use and miss, up to the limits of your insurance.

You can get missed connection benefits if, for example, a shared carrier (like your airline) is late or bad weather keeps you from getting to your departure on time. Of course, if you are sick or hurt, it doesn’t cover missed contacts because you were quarantined.

Add-on Options for Atlas Journey Travel Insurance Plans

With the “interruption for any reason” upgrade, you can end your trip for any reason that isn’t covered by your policy’s interruption benefits. The Premier plan is the only one that can get it. As long as you are at least 48 hours into your trip, this “Trip interruption for any reason” improvement will pay back half of the cost of your trip.

Weddings at a destination
After you bought this upgrade, if the bride or groom of the wedding you are going to stops the wedding, your trip cancellation benefits will kick in. If you are the bride or groom, you are not covered, and you can’t get this update with the Economy plan.

Action Sports
This add-on adds things like bungee jumping, hang gliding, safaris, and other extreme sports and activities to the coverage.

Medical expense insurance that pays for the main costs
If you buy this upgrade along with the Preferred plan, the benefits you get from emergency accident and sickness medical expense coverage will be main, not secondary. The Premier plan comes with primary care.

Damage to and theft from a rental car
This add-on covers damage from an accident and the theft of a hire car.

How to Get Medical Help and Choose Your Own Hospital
This add-on can double the amount of medical rescue coverage for the Economy and Preferred plans. It also covers getting you to any hospital you choose.

Take Care of Pets
If your cat or dog needs care while traveling with you, this update will pay for the vet bills. In the event that your dog or cat dies or gets seriously sick, it also covers cancellation and delay.

You may be able to get your pet home if you get sick or hurt while traveling and have pet care coverage. It also pays for boarding your pet if you have to delay your trip because of an event covered by your insurance.

Main coverage and higher travel limits
This add-on doubles the amount of baggage that is covered and turns your baggage insurance into main coverage, instead of secondary coverage.

Safety and Terrorism
This add-on is optional, but it helps pay for people to leave their homes for political or personal reasons. It also lets you cancel a trip if a terrorist event, including cyberterrorism, happens at your location within a certain amount of time after you bought the policy. It also adds benefits for interruptions during riots or social unrest that last more than 12 hours.

In some cases, this covering can also pay for a ransom and help during a crisis if you are kidnapped. Keep in mind that kidnappings don’t happen in all countries. For example, Afghanistan and Somalia aren’t covered. A list of countries that are not allowed is in the rules.

Rent a Vacation Home
If your holiday rental isn’t cleaned, is overbooked, or your keys get lost, the interruption benefit can help.

Schoolwork, sports events, volunteer work, and mission trips
This extra benefit lets you cancel a trip if you find out after buying the insurance that you need to take an exam while you’re away. It also covers cancellations if you, your travel partner, or a member of your family has to go to a play or game on a date during your trip. If the festival, sports event, concert, or charity work that you were only going to go to ends, this coverage will pay for your trip to be canceled.

Going hunting and fishing
The shooting and fishing upgrade covers cancellations that happen because of rules set by the government. It also covers you if you have to cancel because you, your traveling partner, family members, or your tour guide get sick or hurt. In addition, this extra benefit pays for rental gear and covers equipment that is lost, broken, or stolen.